Demo Version Features
Enable/Disable Demo
To enable/disable OpenClinic demo behavior there must be set as true
or false
the constant OPEN_DEMO
in file config/global_constants.php
define("OPEN_DEMO", false); // normal version
define("OPEN_DEMO", true); // demo version
Disabled Options in Demo
For security reasons, in demo version there have been disabled some features. In normal version this features would be tested. You could do so downloading the normal version and testing it by yourself.
- Admin » Dumps - This option is used to back-up the application database in different formats.
- Install script page - This page is needed to install the application and to restore the back-ups of the database. As into this site everything is set up to start using the application, it is unnecesary its use.
- In the option Admin » Config Settings you can choose the application language. But in this demo version it is disabled for clearness reasons.
- Disabling security for demo since seems to be using mirrored servers that do not share session info. That is why, in demo version there isn't user's control.
- Historical and log tables would not be used for lack of space reasons.
- Admin » Logs Statistics - Log tables would not be used.
- In Medical Records tab doesn't exist a list of lastest viewed patients.
- In Medical Records tab can't manage medical problem tests because server's space disk is limited.
- Patients and medical problems can't be deleted.
User Profiles
There are other three profiles defined in OpenClinic. Their features are:
- Administrator - Users with this profile would have total access available into the program.
- Administrative - Users with this profile would have access to Medical Records tab and Home tab only.
- Doctor - This profile, at this application developing stage, has only access to the Home tab and some of the options of Medical Records tab. It only can see patient's data, not edit them.
Patient Private Data
Patient's data should be ficticious. This is so because they should be used only for Medical Records tab aplication testing purposes. Therefore, as author's site, I don't take charge of any liability derived from the data that this application could hold.
Bugs and Suggestions
OpenClinic isn't perfect, but your suggestions, feedback and bug reports can help us to have a very well done medical records system! You can do this, mailing to Jose Antonio Chavarría with subject OpenClinic.