Install Instructions

Updating an Older Version of OpenClinic

If you have already created the OpenClinic database when installing an older version, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the install PHP script.
  2. In the section Install a SQL File, choose the right file in install/upgrades/ directory.
  3. If does not exist a correct upgrade file, skip to step 7 of next section.

Installing OpenClinic for the First Time

  1. Install a web server such as Apache that can execute cgi applications.

    If you are running Linux, your Apache server should be packaged with your Linux installation and will start when you start Linux.

  2. Install the MySQL database from MySQL web site.

    If you are running Linux, MySQL should be packaged with your Linux installation and will start when you start Linux.

  3. Get familiar with logging into MySQL with your admin account within a DOS prompt window. You can use the following command sequence as a test.
    C:\>c:\mysql\bin\mysql -u root -p mysql
    Enter password: *********
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: x.xx.xx
    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer
    mysql> show databases;
    | Database     |
    | mysql        |
    | test         |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> exit
  4. Create an openclinic database. To do this, log into MySQL with your admin account and run the following SQL command.
    mysql> create database openclinic;

    To check to make sure the openclinic database was created properly run the following command.

    mysql> show databases;
    | Database     |
    | mysql        |
    | openclinic   |
    | test         |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  5. Create an openclinic database user. To do this login to MySQL under the admin userid and run the following SQL command, substituting openclinic_user and openclinic_password with the userid and password of your choice.
    mysql> grant all privileges on openclinic.* to openclinic_user@localhost
        -> identified by 'openclinic_password' with grant option;
  6. Verify your openclinic database and user by logging into the new MySQL database under the new user.
    C:\>C:\mysql\bin\mysql -u openclinic_user -popenclinic_password openclinic
  7. Copy the openclinic directory and all of its contents into your web server's htdocs root or any subdirectory within the htdocs root.
  8. Edit the database_constants.php file (located in the openclinic/config/ directory) with the text editor of your choice. Change username and password to match the new MySQL user and password that you created in the previous steps.
  9. Create the openclinic database tables. To do this run the install PHP script.
  10. Make css and tests directories writtable for Apache user to allow upload files.
  11. Access your new clinic system. Enter admin for both, the login and password whenever you are prompted to sign on. You can change the admin password from the Admin » Users.